Calling all blog readers! Welcome to Journey of Macy: A blog about enjoying my journey! On July 29th, 2017, I felt it on my heart to start a blog about life, food, traveling, and anything else in between. My goal is to teach people (myself included), that everyone’s journey should be enjoyed. When are we going to start looking at our life and decide to start enjoying the now? Through all my struggles and speed bumps in life, I hope you are positively impacted by the tips I am learning along the way.
Yes, this blog was started to simply document and do something that makes me happy, but I anticipate great destinations for it in the future. Though many would look at me as just another basic blogging sorority girl, I feel like I have a lot more to offer than most would assume. No matter your age, gender, or stage of life, I can assure you we have something in common. We all have our struggles. We’ve all been through hard times. So, once I realized one of my gifts is being a pretty optimistic extrovert, I’ve decided I’m going to use it.
From writing about a fun trip or restaurant, to some life advice I’ve obtained, I want to impact people positively and change hearts. We have to CHOOSE to be happy. So let’s choose to be happy and enjoy our journey.
Read. Reach out. Share. EYJ.
Macy K
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